Category Archives: News

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Trucking rates fall again

“Data on producer prices shows that wholesale inflation pressure was nearly nonexistent in July. Industry detail showed broad-based declines in trucking rates, and yearly it is likely to turn negative in upcoming months.” – According to the article in and its author Ibrahiim Bayaan

Long-distance truckload rates slide again, near negative territory

“The monthly PPI release also offers a tremendous...

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A puzzle can simply be defined as a challenge – something that is designed to test ingenuity and knowledge. Every puzzle requires the solver to put the pieces together in a logical way, in order to arrive at the correct solution. It’s when the pieces of a logistics puzzle are extreme in size, the challenge requires the support of the Landstar network and the company’s unique ability...

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Owner-operators are likely to push December’s compliance deadline

Small carriers and owner-operators continue to lag behind their larger counterparts in making the switch from automatic onboard recording devices (AOBRDs) to electronic logging devices (ELDs). 

About 17 percent of all surveyed carriers over the past four weeks are still holding on to their old devices. This number climbs to 23 percent when only looking at fleets running between one and five trucks, according to the weekly FreightWaves and EROAD survey released...

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